I Love a Borg Named Seven

Okay, okay I will write the story . . .
Here is the synopsis for the time being and I'm done making the cover.


Admiral Kate Janeway despises the Borg after an awful encounter with the Queen and her Collective in the Delta quadrant, twenty years ago.
Captain Kathryn Janeway, daughter of Admiral Janeway, takes the starship Voyager, on her maiden voyage to the Delta quadrant where she rescues one of the Borg before blowing up the cube with the remainder of the Collective still on board.
With the medical help of the EMH Doctor and support from Kathryn, Seven of Nine becomes more human with each passing day. The ocular implant on her left brow is the only visible sign that she once belonged to the Borg Collective.
Seven grows closer to the Captain and after six months their friendship develops into something more. The Borg awakened something in Kathryn she thought she had lost.
Their journey in the Delta quadrant will soon be over.
How is she going to explain to Starfleet and her mother the Borg is harmless. Moreover, she’s in love with that Borg.
A tough decision lies ahead for Kathryn. Will she end the relationship before they reach earth, or will she face her mother?


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