Friday, 29 May 2015

Lack of Time or is it Lack of Loyalty

I never have the time to update this blog, but it seems that I always find the time for photo manipulations. I can’t help it. I’m addicted to deviantArt.
Yeah, I’m shrugging right now and yes, my head is hanging in shame as well.

Here are a few manips I’ve done more than a week ago. It’s pinned on Pinterest, but not posted here . . .  due to lack of time (hahahaha)

Hope you like it.

Until next time

After spending a few hours with Brienne on Westeros, Kathryn had to return to Voyager, which was dangling like a bright star above them in the midnight sky.
She left Brienne with a promise to return, soon.

Both women can't stop thinking about each other - Even while in Battle 

Kathryn has her job on Voyager. Brienne has to fight a war. 
They have to be satisfied with Stolen Hours and Stolen Kisses

Too many emotions run through their minds. If only they could spend more than a few hours alone, away from Voyager and away from Westeros.